
How to wear scarves in winter


With the light and thin down jacket, it's time to prepa […]

With the light and thin down jacket, it's time to prepare several scarves. If you don't have a scarf in winter, it's not complete. There are not many good scarves. It can be used to match all kinds of clothes, create various effects, and easily win the fashionable and changeable image. Leaving these aside, you are willing to take off the scarf when you think of it Is that right?

01 "I want to be young! I want to be young! " You cry, so, you absolutely don't allow any aging items to appear on your body. In winter, you are most afraid of wearing old-fashioned clothes. Hairy ball balls, lovely peach hearts and bright colors are enough to help girls become invincible young girls.

02 a scarf can play the role of finishing the point. If you wear a dark dress today, the bright scarf will dilute the feeling of depression, just like pulling out the dark clouds to see the sun, the sky will suddenly become clear, and the depressed mood will become happy.

03 simple pure color scarf is versatile and not easy to make mistakes. It is the first choice of many girls. However, simplicity does not mean monotony. In addition to being a shawl, learning how to wear more than two scarves can show different styles. Now you won't underestimate it.

04 It seems that the false collar collar is specially designed for those coats without collar and low collar. This kind of collar neck is perfectly matched with such clothing. The sweet and chic lace around the neck adds a touch of gentleness and gentleness to the fragrance of flowers.

05 You can take the scarf as a tool, although small, but important, can realize your many small wishes, perhaps you have always wanted to try Bohemian style, but because of uncertainty and hesitant to start, why not aim at clothes? Look at the scarf. It's much easier to handle than clothes.

06 simply let the scarf become the focus of the whole body, the unique pattern is very storytelling, proving that it is not empty, it attracts you to explore the truth, at this time, even if the clothes are not outstanding, it doesn't matter, scarves make up for all the deficiencies, the rate of eye-catching straight up.

07 it is difficult to refuse the swaying posture of Tassels and the warmth and softness of the pocket. However, both of them appear on this scarf at the same time, which not only meets the basic needs of warmth preservation, but also has a full flavor. How can people not be happy if they are so close to their hearts?


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